Sunday, January 1, 2017

New year, new me???

It was not my intention to "re-launch" my blog with the new year but with the downtime I had during the holidays,  it gave me time to rework/repurpose my blog  So I want to be honest with you - I have a love/hate relationship with the new year.  I love the the idea of "re-birth" or "clean slate" for the new year - the time to make changes, set goals or challenge yourself.  

So if I love all of these things - what is left to hate?   Simple answer - the propaganda that the weight loss industry uses to prey on innocent people looking to improve their health.  I cannot tell you how many emails I got in my inbox this morning about weight loss and how I can find the "New You in 2017".  (No offense - I kind of like the old me so why would I want to find the new me?!)  If I was playing a drinking game and taking a shot for every weight loss ad I saw on TV today during Sunday night football - I would be passed out (and not because I am a lightweight).

For someone who has been a professional dieter for most of her adult life - I always saw the new year as "The year I am going to reach my goal weight" or "This is last time where my new year's resolution is about weight loss".  My new year's resolutions was never about smiling more, learning a new language, wear a two piece swimsuit, completing  XXX race, or whatever item that is on my bucket list.  I always thought I would do all these things once I lose the extra weight.

Maybe it is because I turned the big 4-0 in 2016 or maybe because I am tired of having weight loss the reason I miss out on so many great things - that I decided to quit.  Quit obsessing about my weight, quit obsessing about what I eat, and quit obsessing about how I look in my tri kit.  (Let's be real here people -  only 1% of the population look good in spandex.)

My goals for 2017 are pretty simple - enjoy life.  I love doing endurance races, the training, and the camaraderie with my training peeps.  My challenge to you is have the same goal in 2017 - enjoy life.  Take the time to slow down and smell the roses, mark something off of your bucket list, or simply smile more.  

Look froward to posts and pictures from about me enjoying life as I train for my first half ironman and my second marathon.  (Trust me - me and my training peeps take entertaining pictures)

1 comment:

  1. Love that you are my daughter and very proud of you.Hugs and kisses from Starbucks in Georgia
